Venture Day Lugano 2019

Institutional Communication Service

Date: 4 December 2019 / 13:30 - 17:30

Auditorium, USI Lugano campus

At this half-day workshop event, you will discover a selection of highly ambitious Swiss high-tech companies and learn the know-how and best practices that are required to succeed internationally.

Participation is subject to registration and to the payment of a fee (for non Startup INVEST members) :


International audience, 100-150 participants, Business Angels, VCs, Corporates, Swiss Startups (10), Early & Later Stage, Deep Tech

Keynotes, Investor on Stage, Startup Piches


13:30  Door Opening, Registration & Welcome Coffee

14:00  Welcome by AGIRE & Startup INVEST

14:30 Startups Pitching

15:30  Coffee Break & Networking

16:00  Startups Pitching

17:15  Closing & Next Events

18:15  Boldbrain Startup Challenge (register here: