Business Growth - Grow your Medtech Startup


Il Litorale

Start date: 14 October 2019

End date: 18 October 2019

Il Litorale. P.zza San Rocco 3, Lugano

Do you want to set your newly incorporated Medtech company on course for growth? In the "Business Growth" training module of Innosuisse organised by Venturelab, you will analyse the barriers, opportunities and markets in your sector and learn about the processes and structures that will help you to grow your Medtech startup.

At the 5-day training course, Medtech entrepreneurs and experts will help you get a market entry strategy and generate interest from key stakeholders. You will learn how to accelerate your Medtech startup by improving your direct sales and negotiation skills, using new growth management systems, understanding and working with key stakeholders, reviewing your R&D and production resources as well as planning an adequate quality management system. While building strategic alliances and working with distribution partners, you will also get expert feedback on the legal aspects of your venture and how to attract investors for your growth plans.

In addition to the trainers, experts and entrepreneurs who will support you during the course, you will also get 3 hours with a dedicated Medtechcoach. This personalized coaching will help you set your objectives for the future and validate individual learning and development goals.

Course Participants
Young entrepreneurs who have already founded their start-up. You have been able to secure initial funding and you have just started to launch your product or intend to within the next six to twelve months.

Full details and registration at: