USI launches a new model for supporting start-up projects
Institutional Communication Service
8 May 2017
In the world of start-up companies, the classic incubator model consists of an original idea, a team of individuals, and pitching for investors and funds (the so-called “seed money”). Though the first two elements are usually abundant, financial resources are often hard to find, also because of the business risks start-up projects entail. But an alternative model exists and it is now being proposed, for the first time, by the USI SUPSI Start-Up Promotion Center (CP Start-Up). According to this new model, the investor already has a basic project and the relevant seed money, and seeks a project development team with whom it not only wants to complete the project, but also share the business risk. In fact, the project will kick off after establishing a limited public company, with share ownership split between the investor and the development team.
SCS Smart Communication System (, the project coordinated by CP Start-Up currently in its pre-development phase, is a system for “emotional one2one” communication that can be used by businesses seeking to expand into the personal marketing domain, by connecting with people through emotions rather than with the well-known social media model.
For information:
Listen to the radio interview of CP Start-Up coordinator Umberto Bondi on radio program 'Baobab' (RSI Rete Tre), which aired on May 8, 2017 (from 8'48" to 13'16", in Italian):