Female Founders
Institutional Communication Service
15 November 2021
Get inspired by real stories of women entrepreneurs who come together to share their experiences and discuss the current challenges and opportunities. This event is part of the Innosuisse Start-up training programme.
Event agenda
17.30 - 17.35 Welcome and introduction
17.35 - 17.55 Keynote speech by Jacqueline Ruedin Rüsch, Co-founder and General Partner Privilège Ventures SA
17.55 - 18.30 Panel discussion
- Donatella Caresano, CEO and Chairman IRONGLOVE Technology Sagl
- Elisa Filippi, Founder and CEO TicInsect Sagl
- Jacqueline Ruedin Rüsch, Co-founder and General Partner Privilège Ventures SA
- Katerina Rigana, PhD Candidate, Entrepreneur and FinTech Business Designer
18.30 - 18.45 Q&A and closing
18.45 - 19.30 Apéro and networking
Event moderator: Daina Matise Schubiger, Lecturer and researcher at SUPSI, Department of Business Economics, Health and Social Care
Registration required: https://entrepreneurship-training.ch/female-founders/ticino/
Only participants with a valid Covid Pass and ID will be admitted in compliance with the current regulation.
Contact person:
Anastasia Bedova, Community and Communication Manager at USI Startup Centre
[email protected]
+41 58 666 4236