Fifth Boldbrain Startup Challenge


Institutional Communication Service

10 May 2022

Until Friday, 15 July, applications are open for the fifth Boldbrain Startup Challenge, the three-month acceleration programme for early-stage startups organised by Fondazione Agire and USI Startup Centre. The cash prizes amount to CHF 120.000 and in-kind prizes to CHF 80.000, including a full scholarship worth CHF 52.000 for the winner to attend the USI Executive MBA.

Boldbrain Startup Challenge is a growing and evolving acceleration programme for innovative ideas. It differentiates itself from other Swiss accelerators by two important characteristics: the programme is sector-agnostic and focuses exclusively on early-stage startups. The prerequisites for applying are the innovative nature of the idea and the scalability of the project.

The highlight of the 2022 edition is an important change in the regulation, which allows teams from abroad to apply, provided that they are willing to develop their project in Ticino, incorporate a company, maintain relations with local institutions, and draw on the resources made available by the Regional Innovation System. The ultimate goal is to create value and qualified jobs in the region.

The accelerator is a programme of Fondazione Agire, organised in close collaboration with the USI Startup Centre and a network of competent partners. Thanks to the financial support of the Economics Division of the Department of Finance and Economic Affairs (DFE) of the Canton of Ticino, BancaStato and other sponsors, the cash prizes amount to CHF 120.000 complemented by in-kind prizes for a total value of CHF 80.000. In addition, under certain conditions, the finalists of this programme have the opportunity to request the "innovative startup" certification, which makes the company eligible for specific tax benefits provided by the Canton.

The programme will take place between September and November 2022 and conclude with the final award ceremony, scheduled for December 13, at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Lugano. All interested candidates are invited to attend the information session that will be held on June 2 at the Lido Conca D’oro Paradiso.


Information and registrations: