Boldbrain Startup Challenge: which projects will participate in the 6th edition?

Aliper Therapeutics, winner of the 2022 edition
Aliper Therapeutics, winner of the 2022 edition

USI Startup Centre

3 August 2023

An expert jury has selected the 20 projects that will participate in the 2023 edition of the Ticino accelerator for innovative early-stage startup ideas.

The projects selected from the 140 applications received for the next edition of the programme represent different industry sectors, from Medtech to Fintech to Consumer Products, and have different maturity levels. Starting with the launch event scheduled for 31 August, the 20 teams will follow a challenging journey designed to provide them with the necessary tools to accelerate project development.

During the three-month programme, there will be five workshops, 30 hours of coaching with vertical experts for each startup and several community events. Only ten startups will make it to the final phase of the competition and have the opportunity to present their project to the public during the Final Award Ceremony on 7 December at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Lugano.

Among the selected projects, there are several teams with USI students, alumni, researchers and professors. In addition, one of the startups is currently incubated at the USI Startup Centre, and four others are in the pre-incubation phase. Moreover, the founders of six projects attended the "Business Concept" course, commissioned by Innosuisse and organised by USI and SUPSI.

Here are the names of the selected startups (in alphabetical order):

•    Ai4Privacy
•    AIntern
•    Alterland
•    Cognitive Inspect
•    Decentralized Energy Corporation
•    Elephants SAGL
•    Foldcast
•    Innovative desalination process
•    IPBEX
•    Jobelink
•    myDoctorAngel
•    MyLivesTalk: Sense. Track. Empathize.
•    POND50
•    Rotorborne
•    Securified
•    SKinMind
•    TeamFence
•    tèra
•    TIKI Health
•    WiSort

What is Boldbrain Startup Challenge?

Boldbrain is the Ticino accelerator for innovative early-stage startups, organised by Agire Foundation in collaboration with USI Startup Centre. Boldbrain Startup Challenge was designed to offer 20 entrepreneurs with innovative projects a three-month training path that helps them shape their projects and continue developing their business ideas. Promoted and supported by the Economic Division of the Canton of Ticino, with the important contribution of BancaStato, the program begins in September and closes in early December with the Award Ceremony. Finalists compete for cash prizes totalling CHF120,000 and in-kind prizes for a total value of over CHF80,000, thanks to the support of numerous sponsors.

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