A USI graduate in the current edition of the InCube Challenge


Institutional Communication Service

16 October 2023

5 days in a glass cube to solve an innovation challenge? This is InCube Challenge, an initiative of the ETH Entrepreneur Club, that takes place annually in Switzerland and abroad. This year the challenged kicked-off in Bellinzona with the “outcube” programme, a prep course ahead of the 5-day intense session inside the glass cubes positioned in Zurich, Basel, Brugg and Shanghai.

Among the 25 selected students with diverse backgrounds divided into 5 teams, there is also a recent USI graduate from the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Armin Catic, who will join the Basel team. During the 5 days inside the cube, the teams work on an innovation challenge proposed by corporate sponsors. Each team will then present the solution they developed at the final event in Zurich to compete for the first prize.  

Each edition of the InCube Challenge features different locations both in Switzerland and abroad. For example, back in 2021 one of the cubes was located at the East Campus in Lugano in collaboration with USI Startup Centre.


More information on InCube: https://www.incubechallenge.com/

