Scientific Board
Our Scientific Board is composed of professors representing different USI faculties. It acts as a bridge between the academic community and the USI Startup Centre incubation programme providing input on potential synergies and collaborations.
Francesco Bertoni
Adjunct Professor - Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Deputy Director - Institute of Oncology Research (IOR)
Antonio Carzaniga
Full Professor - Faculty of Informatics, Computer Systems Institute (SYS)
Laurent Frésard
Full Professor - Faculty of Economics, Swiss Finance Institute (SFI), Institute of Finance (IFin)
Luca Maria Gambardella
Pro-Rector for Innovation and Corporate Relations, Full professor at the Faculty of Informatics and member of IDSIA, Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence USI-SUPSI
Paulo Gonçalves
Full Professor - Faculty of Economics, Humanitarian Operations (HORC), Institute of Management and Organisation (IMO), Advanced Management Centre (AMC), Centre for Organisational Research - Organization and Management Theory (CORe)
Greta Guarda
Vice-dean and Associate Professor - Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Group Leader - Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB)
Luca M. Visconti
Dean and Full Professor - Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society, Institute of Marketing and Communication Management (IMCA)